My Snow Shrine is where I come to pray for snow and manifest positive energy for my life (aka skiing). It is currently in it’s 5th rendition, as it travels with me as I move from home to home.

It’s made up of retired season passes, hand crafted snowflakes and artwork, lights, stickers, ski pictures, crystals, old skis and boots, ski memorabilia, snow globes, vision boards and of course, love, laughter and positive energy. Its a on-going project thats ever rearranging and expanding!

I made the original piece when I was 13, before I had a clue about manifesting. Its a simple collage made from pictures torn from an old ski magazines and laminated together with clear tape. It hung next to my bed growing up, so I saw it first thing every morning. When I left for college I packed it away, until a couple of years ago when I started putting the shrine together.

The shrine is really one large vision board/ manifestation station. It just happens to all be related to snow, because thats what I am constently manifesting. But it can help anyone who has a wish or manifestation. My friends that come to visit the snow shrine can of course wish for anything, but I make sure to disclose to participants that the more related to skiing and snow your wish is, the more likely it is to come true, due to the energy surrounding the shrine.

The ritual involves squeezing Powder Pig, singing ” A Prayer For Snow” that is on the back of the bottle of the Ullr libation (peppermint schnapps ), mixing up the snow globe and writing down what your manifesting. I always reccommend to write down your wish in a way that shows how grateful you are for it. Becuase manifesting is all about being grateful for what you desire, as if it is already yours.

Last winter, I had these snowflakes tattooed on my hands, so I will always have a part of the snow shrine with me. The tattoos allow me to share the positive energy of the snow (shrine) with all the people and animals I come in contact with. They are also good reminders of what really matters in this life.
Here are some pictures of previous shrine editions.